Good morning mighty men of valor.... Brotherhood is a vital component of Biblical manhood. The development of our character and maturity lies within its core. Through Biblical brotherhood we learn discipline, accountability, sacrifice, patience, endurance, and how to deal with disappointment. We learn how to receive correction and admonishment as well as how to deliver the same properly and with love to others. We learn what real strength is... ...what sacrificial love is .... what courage is ... what it means to honor one another .... what we are to value ... what success and significance truly looks like .... and what a Christ-like man models. Brotherhood..... vital to our growth. This past weekend a friend of 57 years came and visited me. We laughed, cut-up a bit, threw each other under the bus some, joked and supped with each other. My friend.... a brother. I pray you have a brotherhood around you and part of your world. If not, ask the Lord for this special gift, start caring more for others than yourself, and you find yourself among a circle of mature, Christ centered men. Mighty men of valor! Strength and Honor, but Only for His Glory, MDN Coach Dennis Labriola Author of Seventh-Inning Stretch: Reflection on the Game of Life Seventh-Inning Stretch: Reflections on the Game of Life by Dennis Labriola, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® ( Check out and subscribe to my YouTube Channel: (1591) Dennis Labriola - YouTube