Good morning mighty men of valor...
For many of us we place a high value on our leaders, and we often seek to develop leadership skills.
I believe it was John Maxwell that penned, "everything rises and falls on leadership".
I think of William Wallace (Braveheart) and how he was able to inspire men, at least in the movie.
Or perhaps Gen. Patton or Abe Lincoln.
In corporate settings you may think of Jack Walsh, Henry Ford or Steve Jobs.
In sports I think of Vince Lombardi. You may look to John Wooden, Bear Bryant or Dean Smith.
But it is not about having a "position" of leader and thus receiving all the accolades.
It's about becoming someone to guide others.... to show the way.... lead the way.
Jesus IS the way!
Strive to emulate Him.
Search for His ways.
Show others His way.
Seek to become "Christ Complete" ... that's all the leadership skills we will ever need.
Strength and Honor, but Only for His Glory,
MDN Coach Dennis Labriola
Acting Director of Businessmen in Christ
Author of Seventh-Inning Stretch: Reflection on the Game of Life Seventh-Inning Stretch: Reflections on the Game of Life by Dennis Labriola, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (
