Good morning my great brothers..
I found it interesting as I thought about God's presence and how I so need His presence in my life more and more each day.
I guess we all want God's presence.
I mean if God is with me all is good... everything... no worries nor wants.
Do you agree?
I was reading in Gen 3:8 (NKJV)... this is where Adam and Eve were in the garden just after they ate from the tree they were commanded not to eat from.
It says, " And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden."
What stands out for me is the phrase "hid themselves from the presence of the Lord".
The Amplified version says "hid and kept themselves hidden".
I thought how many times have I "hid" myself from God?
We are all aware that we cannot actually hide from God, nor could Adam, but yet they "hid".
And "kept themselves hidden".
God, giving us freedom to choose, gives us freedom to surrender areas of our lives or to hide them.
Adam chose to hide them.... I confess I have hidden some, too.
Perhaps all those times I felt alone were the times I hid myself.
Those areas of bad decisions, neglect, selfishness, guilt, secret sins.
Perhaps I hid myself from His presence thus causing myself to feel alone, exhausted and defeated.
The Word says seek Him and you shall find Him.
So here's the truth....
I am not alone... God is with me. (Deut 31:6)
I am not depressed, sad or worried... In His presence is fullness of joy. (Ps 16:11).
When I am battling I will be victorious... for if God is with me, who can be against me? (Ro 8:31).
He loves me and has accepted me and calls me His son.
This is true for you too!
Maybe it's time I/we stop hiding.....
Think about it.
Strength and Honor, but Only for His Glory,
MDN Coach Dennis Labriola
Author of Seventh-Inning Stretch: Reflection on the Game of Life
Seventh-Inning Stretch: Reflections on the Game of Life by Dennis Labriola, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (
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