Good morning brothers in Christ.
May this Monday Message find you well.
Today is the last day of February and as we turn to March I cannot help but anticipate the on-coming of spring (I pray the tulips I planted last fall come up).
I find this day a bit troubling as we watch the events around the world and the unrest in so many people's hearts. Perhaps you also feel this, yet I also have a deeper than usual anticipation to see what God shall do. We saints all await the return of our Lord, Jesus, but yet must endure the days until His coming. And we do, as God continues to provide, forgive, heal and bless. He continues to assemble onto Himself those accepting His gift of salvation. The assembly thru us sharing His Gospel.
Perhaps we should all take inventory on how well we apply ourselves to the Great Commission..... sharing the Gospel of Christ. I know I can do better.