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Men's Monday Message: Check the Duty Roster


Greetings brothers... welcome to another week.

Thank the Lord for another day to live and praise Him.

Are you ready to face the world yet again?

So often we just wake up, rise up, suit up and get going without attending to really being ready for the day.

Without checking the duty roster that God has prepared for us.

We believe that God will be with us, but the real question is will we be with God?

Have you readied yourself by putting on the full armor of God?

I know, seems like one of those "religious" questions, church sermons.... somewhat ambiguous, but is it?

Consider the benefits of being properly prepared to meet the day.

To gird our loins with the Belt of Truth... God's singular, perfect Truth.

To don the Breastplate of Righteousness - to stand in the Righteousness of God - to be in right standing with the King of Kings.

To put on the war Shoes of the preparation of Peace. equipped to stand, to hold our ground in this fight not with fury, but with the Peace that passes all understanding. If God is for us who can be against us.... it is peaceful knowing that.

To wear the Helmet of our salvation to protect our thoughts, our mind and to be identified as a soldier for Christ.

To carry the Shield of Faith and the Sword of the Spirit.

First for ourselves and our families, then to all those oppressed of the devil.

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but for the pulling down of strongholds....

Rak Kazak

Strength and Honor, but Only for His Glory

MDN Coach Dennis

Author of Seventh-Inning Stretch: Reflections on the Game of Life


PS... Book Signing this Sunday, Father's Day, at Smithtown Gospel Tabernacle

before and after both services.

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