Good morning brothers in Christ,
It is probably fair to say that we all want more of God's presence in our lives, but the truth is... He is always with us.
So, why do we not experience Him as much as we would hope.
I mean if the Spirit of God is within us (Ro 8:9-11) and He will never leave us nor forsake us.... well.... He can't be more present in our lives than that.
Seems like has made Himself available....
so maybe the trouble is with us... just say'in.
I mean if you live with a genius medical doctor, and you never discuss your medical challenges...
Or you live with a master financial expert and never ask for financial advice, who's fault is it?
In the book, Practicing His Presence, it states, "It is a great delusion to think that the time of prayer ought to be different from other times."
In other words, I should look at every moment just as I look at the time I am in prayer. As I am "with Him and He with me" in prayer, he is also with me at all other times, and I should recognize that.
Think about it....
Proverbs 3:6 says, "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.".... ALL OUR WAYS..... all the time.
Maybe we just need to practice being in His presence more.
What do you think?
Strength and Honor, but Only for His Glory,
MDN Coach Dennis Labriola
Author of Seventh-Inning Stretch: Reflection on the Game of Life
Seventh-Inning Stretch: Reflections on the Game of Life by Dennis Labriola, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (
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