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Men's Monday Message: Enter the President


Good morning fellow citizens of heaven!

Today we experience the exchange of power as the torch of governmental responsibility is passed from one president to the next along with representatives for the House and Senate.

A foundation of our republic... The exchange of power and the continuation of government​al rule.

I find the term, "exchange of power", to be interesting and one the Word of God addresses throughout its pages.

A fundamental question of who or what will lead us through this thing we call life.​

The exchange of power from flesh to spirit... from self to God.

It's our choice...

Will it be our flesh? (Romans 8)​........ 

Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life? (1 John 2:26)​...... 

Our own selfish desires and ambitions? (James 3:16)​...... 

Our own plans, ways, ​and thoughts? (Isaiah 55:8)​.... 

The temptations of this world?​ (Rev 12:9)

The list can be long...

Or will we "exchange" these powers for the power of God to live by the Spirit.​ 

For me, I cast my ballot to exchange the power of ​"self​" for the power of God.

I'm not always sure how to do that, but if I stay close to the One who does​, He promises to help.​ We got this!

Think about it!

​Strength and Honor, but Only for His Glory,

​MDN Coach Dennis Labriola

Author of Seventh-Inning Stretch: Reflection on the Game of Life

Seventh-Inning Stretch: Reflections on the Game of Life by Dennis Labriola, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (

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